Monday, December 19, 2011

what if ?

I love u for the rest of my life. If someday u're not mine, pls remember our love. Pls. 


p/s:i love u

Friday, December 16, 2011


Yea, I'm happy with my life. Alhamdulillah. 
Thanks Hakim, u make my life complete. :D
We hold every sorrow and pain together,
We share our happiness and sadness,
I care for him, He cares for me, We care for each other. 
I pray to Allah, to have u here, beside me, for the rest of my life. 
Amin. :)

 p/s:i love u

Saturday, December 10, 2011


Ok. I love beads so much.. da jadi seronok jahit beads sejak July 2010.. klw x silap lah.. byk manik2 yg dibeli.. byk jugak baju2 yg aku da jahit. ehem ehem.. cantik.. :D ni antaranya.. bukan semualah.. ^_^

Now, it's like a hobby of mine. 

p/s:i love u

Friday, December 9, 2011

I Can Feel Your Tears.

I do understand your feeling
I know what u're thinking
I can see it through your eyes
Its full of sadness
I know it's hard to forget
It's hard to forgive
It's hard to move on.
but u should.
U deserve much better
Ya, I'm not in your shoes
Easy for me to say
It's a biggest step, biggest change for u to make.
I wish nothing,
but the very best for u.
Good luck dear. 

p/s:i love u

Their Stories

ya, I'm happy with my life, my love life.
but them? 
owh, I should be thankful. 
It's nothing compare to them. 
Thanks Mr. boyfriend.. ^_~
U still here,
standing beside me.. 
thanks a lot.. 

p/s:i love u

Thursday, December 8, 2011

From the bottom of my heart

I LOVE him
ya, for real.
sooooo much.
Like, seriously, extremely, deeply in LOVE with him.

p/s:i love u

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Storage Box : By yourself. :)

We need:
Marker Pen
Colorful Paper

 1st : Cut out the box's lid, and secure the bottom with solatape.

2nd: Cut all the paper (colorful paper, newspaper) into your desired size. Paste all the paper, onto the box (use your creativity) 

 3rd: Use the Box's lid and cut it into small piece and highlight the outline using marker pen.

4th: Cut the red paper (u can choose any color) into small piece. Write your name (or any word) on it and cut out the word, following the outline. Then paste it onto the small box piece and paste it onto your box. Highlight all the paper outline using marker pen. :)

Good Luck! ^_^

p/s:i love u